Verbs of change
The project deals with lexification strategies that are encountered for the situations of change.
The project deals with lexification strategies that are encountered for the situations of change.
The research on ‘blind’, ‘deaf’, and ‘dumb’ deals with the linguistic categorization of perception types, which is one of the major issues in the modern cognitive science.
The Aqua-motion project (based in Moscow, Russia) is devoted to the description and cross-linguistic comparison of aqua-motion predicates, i.e. predicates denoting motion in a liquid medium – like swim, sail and float in English, nager, naviguer, flotter and surnager in French or płynąć and pływać in Polish.
The main general issue dealt with in the present research is the conceptualization of the temperature domain in natural lnaguages as reflected in their systems of central temperature terms, such as the adjectives hot, cold etc.
The project is dedicated to the study of animal sounds in different languages throughout the world.
This project is dedicated to observation of the semantic domain of pain