Публикации автора: Ландер Юрий Александрович

Результаты поиска

Ландер Юрий Александрович, Багирокова Ирина Гаруновна. Выражение боли и смежных значений в адыгейском языке: лексика и морфосинтаксис

Труды Института востоковедения РАН Под редакцией: З. М. Шаляпина Вып. 19: Проблемы общей и востоковедной лингвистики: Лексикология и лексикография. М.: Институт востоковедения РАН. С. 394-411, 2018.

Ландер Юрий Александрович. Verbs of aquamotion: semantic domains and lexical systems

This paper elaborates on an approach to the cross-linguistic comparison of lexical (sub)systems, which is based on the differentiation of typologically relevant semantic domains. We illustrate this approach exploring the conceptualization of motion / being in liquid medium (aqua-motion), within which four general domains (SWIMMING, SAILING, DRIFTING and FLOATING) are recognized. Using this distinction, we propose a typology of aqua-motion systems that distinguishes between ‘rich’, ‘poor’ and ‘middle’ systems of aqua-motion expressions depending on the lexical contrasts that the language displays.
