Публикации автора: Круглякова Виктория Алексеевна

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Круглякова Виктория Алексеевна, Панина Анна Сергеевна, Резникова Татьяна Исидоровна. A matter of degree? The domain of wetness in a typological perspective

The article studies the domain of wetness in 20 languages. In many of them the domain features two main words (e.g. German nass, feucht; Mongolian nojton, čijgleg; Moksha načkə, l’et’kə) and the difference between them tends to be described in terms of degree, i.e. ‘intensely’ versus ‘slightly wet’. Typological analysis shows that in each case the degree of humidity receives a specific interpretation depending on the noun that is being modified, so that the choice of a particular synonym is based not simply on the quantity of the fluid, but on the situation as a whole (including the source of moisture, intentional versus non-intentional event, etc.). We also discuss the additional factors relevant to the domain in the languages that have more than two words in it, that is, the additional words with a positive or a negative connotation, or moisture from contact with a liquid versus moisture absorbed from humid air.
